I beat version 1.50.
It's basically Risk with up to 4 human players, or 1-on-1 versus the CPU (if you register it, you can play against up to 3 CPU players), with the added dimension of the countries having an ideology. This does a couple things: when you attack a country while it's not held by another player, you win ties if they're affiliated with your ideology and lose ties if not; and when you do take over the country, you have to leave a certain amount of troops to avoid a possible uprising where they will join the player whose ideology matches, with all your troops changing sides as well. Battles are extremely brisk -- even a 30-on-20 battle will take less than a couple minutes. Each troop goes head to head with one of the enemy's troops, so with each "roll of the dice" only one troop will be eliminated. The game is extremely easy against the CPU. I remember winning the game in one turn on the easy difficulty, since unlike Risk, you can continuously attack moving your troops across the entire globe. Even on the hard difficulty, the CPU AI is awful. The troop advantage for when it'll attack must be set really high. It also ignores going for conquering continents, which, like in Risk, gives a bonus to troops gained each turn.
Considering single-player only, I'd rank it a 3/10 due to how easy the game is. If you have people to play against, it is a very serviceable Risk clone with a nice twist. I'd imagine I'd give it a 7 or 8/10 for multi-player.