Took me about 20 min to beat it on easy with 5 min games (you can also play 9 min games). I went on to beat it on Intermediate after a few tries, but gave up on Expert after a few games.
It's 3-on-3 soccer with no goalies. Each of the 3 players is stuck in a track that takes up 1/3 of the field and can only pass it to an adjacent track. The field takes up more than the screen, with only about a quarter of the field fitting on screen, scrolling left and right. The game wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for your teammates' awful AI. The two players you aren't in control of seem to have no concept of what their objective is, seeming to just drift back and forth until they run into the ends of the screen. When your opponent scores and you get the ball, 9 times out of 10, they start by running back towards your own goal, which means that you're pretty much guaranteed to either get the ball stolen by their center or have to pass it to one of their wings and then try to steal it back. When your opponent gets into your zone, they don't feel the need to play defense and just go in whatever direction they happened to be going in, many times running toward their goal while your opponent is inside your penalty box. While your opponents are significantly faster than you when you are dribbling the ball, this doesn't seem to be the case in the reverse, as you slowly gain on their ball-handler. Your only chance of getting in front of your opponent a lot of times is to take advantage of being able to wrap around the screen (yes, if you run off the right side of the screen, you reappear on the left side, and vice versa), and doing it repeatedly until you successfully steal the ball. Lining up with the ball is also more difficult than it should be.
It's much better than Pele's Championship Soccer on 2600, though.