Mega Man 3 (NES) Review

Date purchased: July 28, 2012
Price paid: $11.86
Dates played: Mar. 23-29, 2020
Playtime: 4h 18m
Date reviewed: Mar. 29, 2020
Date posted: Feb. 18, 2023
Rating: 6/10

After now playing through the first 3 entries, it's pretty much set that I dislike this series. I didn't dislike this one nearly as much as the first two, but I still didn't have any fun with it. You'd think that Mega Man would be able to shoot in a direction other than horizontally by now, as well as have the ability to crouch to be able to hit those enemies that only come up to his waist. I don't like how you don't regain the weapon energy when you die, since there are a couple places where, as far as I can tell, you MUST use one of the dog's abilities to advance past the starting section, so if you don't have any energy for it, you'll have to reset since you literally won't be able to progress. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that you can defeat quite a few enemies by simply scrolling them off the screen. The stages are all very short, so at least it's not too annoying having to redo them if you have trouble against a boss, run out of lives, and have to redo the entire stage. With this collection, you can cycle through the weapons with the shoulder buttons, but you can't cycle into Rush's abilities, while you can cycle out of them, which is annoying since you have to deal with the weapon selection menu to use them. Speaking of Rush, is there any use for Rush Marine? I never used it once.