Exile II: Janen no Jishou (PC Engine CD) Review

Date purchased: May 27, 2015
Price paid: $120.00 -- cost of the purchase that included both the US and Japanese releases
Dates played: July 29, 2019
Playtime: 2h 17m
Date reviewed: July 29, 2019
Date posted: Feb. 14, 2023
Rating: 2/10

This is the Japanese release of Exile: Wicked Phenomenon.

This game is a good example of why I think Working Designs felt like tweaking the difficulty of the games they localized. With the exception of the battle against El Cid, who was renamed Lawrence for WD's release (my guess is WD felt Lawrence of Arabia would be more readily recognized than El Cid), which took about a half dozen tries, the rest of the game is piss easy. When the end boss requires simply walking up to it and just wailing on it with your sword (if you fully heal yourself before it, you will out-DPS it, so you won't even need to heal), meaning put the turbo switch up to max and hold down the attack button for about a minute, there's something seriously wrong with the level of difficulty. So, your options, without downloading mods that are out there that remove WD's tweaks, are to take a weekend or so to beat it or a small portion of an afternoon to beat it. The game over/continue screen is different between the two, and after the credits roll on the Jpn version, it has the voice actors deliver some message and then it allows you to play all the music and the audio from the cutscenes. The nearly complete absence of any difficulty makes me give it a lower score than the US version.