Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf (Gen) Review

VersionDate purchasedPrice paid
Desert StrikeN/ALeft behind by a roommate
SEGA Genesis Mini 2Oct. 26, 2022$97.29
Dates played: Dec. 2016
Playtime: ~8h
Date reviewed: Dec. 28, 2016
Date posted: Jan. 10, 2023
Rating: 5/10

I'd tried a few times over the last nearly 20 years to try to beat this game. The lack of music during the gameplay really bugged me to where I couldn't stick with it, and normally, not having music doesn't bother me. While it's not a bad game, about the only thing I can say good about it is that it's short. It gets pretty tedious pretty fast. I found the "Danger Zone" concept of doing the objectives out of order to be a cheap way to increase difficulty. I also didn't like how only enemy units introduced during that Campaign could be viewed on the Map Screen. Hit detection with buildings was horrible in places.

Hopefully, the series only gets better.