Crystalis (GBC) Review

Date purchased: June 9, 2012
Price paid: $19.95
Dates played: Mid-2012
Playtime: Unknown
Date reviewed: Sept. 30, 2012
Date posted: Nov. 13, 2022
Rating: 7/10

I don't generally like ARPGs, but I had fun with this one. I've never played the NES version (wasn't even aware this was a remake until well into it when I looked up some reviews of it).

Dates played: May 24 to June 1, 2024
Playtime: 11h 28m
Date reviewed: June 1, 2024
Date posted: June 1, 2024
Rating: 7/10

I guess I had either forgotten what the box states, or I glossed over the fact that it states that it's an "updated version", when I first played this in 2012. I still haven't played the NES version, so can't compare the versions.

The biggest issue with this is the screen size, in that the monsters are on you pretty quickly. If you are saving with some frequency, there's almost no down side to dying, as you get put back at the beginning of the area you died in when you continue. In fact, it's often beneficial to purposely get killed when you're low on health. It can also be a time saver if you've accomplished your goal in an area, as it will in effect warp you out of the area with everything you've picked up or accomplished if you've saved after doing what you need to do. It also virtually eliminates the need for inns, as you can suicide to regain full health and MP.

If you're looking for a serious challenge, don't look here. None of the bosses are particularly difficult -- only one gave me any real issue due to how fast he moved. If it's not too expensive, I think it's worth picking up if you like ARPGs or Action-Adventures.